Infos/Links: | Robert Stephen Band
First Luxembourg Rock-Band with songs in Luxembourgish
life-time: 1978-1985, began with songs in English, first Longplay record with rocksongs in Luxembourgish language in 1980: "Du méist lo ufänken" (LP), in 1982: "Ka komme wat wëllt" (LP)
Sampler of the years 1979-1983 published by Op der Lay in 1997: "Eng laang Strooss"
In 1985 the bandleader Robert Gollo Steffen published a solo-album: "E Bild vun engem Mann" (LP) and in 1989 the famous "60110" (CD).
Since 1999 Gollo performs again with some musicians of the formerly Robert Stephen Band. ( Gollos myspace-Seite |